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Believe the hypo
Aug 16, 2019
In Exercise
Hello there! I thought it might be a good idea to share my experience with exercise, what I do and why. It’s easy to become bogged down in the ‘idealist’ life whereby we all go to the gym every day and spend our weekends paddle boarding but the reality is often quite different. So, here’s my life with diabetes and exercise. I used to exercise a fair bit. Mainly weights and if I’m completely honest, it was more for vanity reasons than to benefit health. Despite this, I was not in great shape due to my diet, and in hindsight, I was not contributing to a healthy lifestyle (weekend drinking and eating high carb fast food). Since being diagnosed with T1, I have greatly increased my cardiovascular exercise as I have learnt this is what impacts my blood sugars the most and also my overall metabolic health. 4 days before my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, we bought a puppy. He really was a life saver and brings a whole new meaning to the term ‘therapy dog’. But also, he requires constant walking, so twice a day we walk him for a minimum of 4kms. I will go to the gym between 3 and 5 days a week doing 3 or 4 weights sessions and I will always finish each session with at least 20mins cardio. I have found that doing weights puts my blood sugars up a bit (1 - 2mmol) - but ending the session on the bike or elliptical helps stop that rise and will also bring the blood sugars down slightly. The other sessions are pure cardio with 45 mins on different machines and at different intensities. I have found that the longer and less intense the cardio, the more my bloods will drop over the session. The shorter and higher intensity, the higher my bloods go. I have also found that as I get fitter, the more exercise I need to do to drop my bloods. The combination of VLCHF diet and consistent exercise means I now have a lean figure and little fat. I have constant energy and better sleep. I hope this helps you guys out. Please share your experience with exercise:
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Believe the hypo

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